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stoneman 9:12 Sat Jun 20
Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Another excuse for rioting, looting and vandalism.

The 2 headline speakers are Russell Brand and Charlotte Church which is mildly amusing as I do like to be lectured on austerity by 2 millionaires who have never done a proper days work in their life.

This just bitter people upset that the Tories got back in, they don't accept the laws of the land and I hope the Police use maximum force on them i.e kettling, baton charges and water cannons.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Infidel 1:01 Mon Jun 29
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

"Films have been made depicting the glorious world where corporate CEOs and one-percenters are the selfless heroes upon which our society depends, and basically everyone else - the left, journalists, legislators, government employees, the poor - are the villains trying to drag the rich down out of spite."


There may be one or two but they are overwhelmingly outnumbered by movies about greedy and/or evil corporate fat cats being brought to justice by heroes of the proletariat.

One egregious example came out recently: Elysium. If you've seen it you will know what I mean.

After8 10:27 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
well we could get rid of evil ceos and let a workers committee run the company?

westhammerer 8:05 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Films have been made depicting the glorious world where corporate CEOs and one-percenters are the selfless heroes upon which our society depends, and basically everyone else - the left, journalists, legislators, government employees, the poor - are the villains trying to drag the rich down out of spite.

This is still spot on: There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year olds life - The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

Coffee 4:53 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Chuckle @ Infidel

Where did you learn precis writing?

Infidel 4:47 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

I would make it 2,000 pages long.

My new chapters on the evils of socialism might not make it past the publishers either.

Coffee 1:06 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

Given your own established capacity for drawn-out prose, why not do it yourself?

Infidel 1:00 Sun Jun 28
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

Nowhere near the worst. You can't have read many books if you think it's even a contender for that prize.

But it is a tragedy that the most important book of the 20th century was written in such turgid prose and is at least 500 pages too long.

I wonder why there has not been an attempt at having a modern author try to rewrite it as a 450 page elegant, polished piece of literature. The it could be made part of the mandatory curriculum in schools.

Probably because all modern authors are Lefties.

Capitol Man 8:48 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Atlas shrugged. Possibly he worst piece of fictional drivel you'll ever come across.

Infidel 8:45 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

With respect, I think you have misunderstood what is going on.

The EU is the arch-enemy of the free market precisely because it operates in the interests of large corporations, which it believes are the only types of business that matter.

In fact the free market can only function properly when large corporations are exposed to competition from start ups, insurgents, entrepreneurs. That's how the market works - innovators steal customers from large businesses and the whole world gets more prosperous.

But the EU stops that happening. They sit with the CEOs and lobbyists of big corporations and agree to rules that make it very hard for new entrants to get started. They are doing exactly that with TTIP right now (the EU-US trade deal). Big corporations are practically writing the new trade rules themselves, and in their own interests of course.

Tearing down the EU would greatly reduce the ability of large corporations to secure the protections, soft loans, lucrative government contracts and other favours they currently enjoy from Brussels. It would make Europe an easier place to start a business and take on a big dinosaur of a multinational.

I would highly recommend you read Atlas Shrugged for a brilliant and incisive description of how crony capitalism destroys prosperity. Ayn Rand wrote it in 1957 so it predates the Brussels elite but it's uncanny reading it and comparing it to the way the EU operates.

northbankboy68 8:34 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

I think our sentiments are very similar. Google, Amazon etc have done and will continue to to do very well out of the neo liberal EU. It is a capitalist cartel that props up these corporations and the corrupt banks.

Just look at the way that wealth has been redistributed from the people to the corporations all under the "careful" watch of the neo liberal EU.

It sucks - because it is driving a capitalist, austerity anti people agenda!


, 8:33 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
I see that Twitter is not yet profitable and neither is one you did not mention, namely YouTube. I wonder if Google are happy with their purchase?

Infidel 8:24 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

I think you should read up on the nightmare that is the EU nanny state.

The Social Chapter on its own has done more to destroy enterprise than decades of small scale interference by member state governments.

Think of all the game changing technology companies that have become part of the fabric of the way we live today - Microsoft, Apple, Google, E-Bay, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter....every single one of them is American.

Europe, with all its famous universities turning out millions of graduates, hasn't created a single game changing tech company. The reason is obvious: it is so hard and so expensive to set up and run a business in Europe that you would have to be mad even to try.

And that's because of the EU and its socialist dogma.

, 8:11 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Willtell, I have nothing to get over. Labour governed without a democratic mandate and so will this government. It's the way our so called democracy has worked for a very long time. I would like it to become more representative and I will mention it as and when I like. There is nothing for me to get over and if Labour had got into power they would have been similarly unrepresentative.

The conservatives are free to govern and I and others are free to point out when they are doing something that the majority of us did not vote for.

northbankboy68 8:05 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

Think you will find it's a neo liberal capitalist cartel hence they are lobbing socialist Greece out! If you are a capitalist (which you seem to be) then you should vote to stay in. If you are on the side of the people and want to root out capitalist corruption - then join those (like Greece) leaving.

Infidel 7:59 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.

I will also be voting to leave the EU.

It's a vast socialist conspiracy and I want us to leave so we can create a proper free market, pro-enterprise, low tax, small state economy.

That can't happen while we are in the EU.

northbankboy68 7:53 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
Neo liberal economics suck. I support Greece and will be voting to leave the neo liberal EU. Tossers!

Italian John 7:52 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
It's easy for the Tories to lie because they have the cloak of the right wing media to protect them, fortunately there are some people out there who can see through it, unfortunately, not enough to bring them to task.

I'm amazed at the right wing stance on our current plight, shout and do the thumb thing and everyone will believe you, I can't wait for 'proper' politics to return but I fear it won't be in my lifetime.

Willtell 7:52 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
If more than 1 in 3 of the electorate cannot be arsed to vote it is not relevant to keep squealing about "25% of the electorate" comma. It's an irrelevant argument but Labour lost. Get over it.

The facts are that 37% voted Conservative, 30% for Labour, 8% Liberal and under 4.7% SNP then all the other minor parties. That gave Conservatives a lead and they are governing us. Get over it.

After8 7:43 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
comma have you made up your mind yet on who should lead labour? I'm finding Kendall a bit disappointing really and less worrying for us than we first thought,

After8 7:41 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
And daily mail? How very dare you, I'm a Times reader.

After8 7:40 Sat Jun 27
Re: Anti austerity marches coming soon.
comma Brown took a victory lap after Northern Rock and should have had the government go through every bank with a fine tooth comb.

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